Monday, 31 December 2012

Khawateen e Islam ki Behtreen Masjid (by Molana Habib ur Rahman Qasmi)

Pdf Mediafire Downloading Link Download pd...

Saturday, 29 December 2012

G han Fiqah Hanfi Quran o Hadees ka Nachor ha (by Molana Illyas Ghuman)

some time ago a person named Talib ur Rahmaan claimed that is Fiqah Hanfi is according to the Holy Quran and The Hadees?  he write a book about it and as usual Allhamdolillah the scholars of fiqah hanfi replied and give him a satisfiable answer and prove that the fiqah e Hanfia is completly according to the Holy Quran and The Hadees e Mubarkah. Molana Illyas Ghuman write a book as an answer named Ge han Fiqah e Hanfia Quraan o Hadees ka nachor ha, i hope you will like it and it will help you to Learn Deen e Islam Admin. Download P...

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Quran e Pak with English Translation by Mufti Taqi Usmani

Allhamdolillah Deeniinfo is feeling honor to provide  Quran e Pak with English translation to its visitors. This English Quraan e Pak is prepared by Mufti Taqi Usmani. Download p...

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