Sunday, 28 October 2012

Tafseer e Usmani (by Molana Shabeer Ahmad Usmani R.A)

Molana Shabeer Ahmad Usmani is a great teacher of Ulma e Deoband. he write the tafseer of Quraan named Tafsser e Usmani, Deeni Info is felling honor to provide this Tafseer to his visitors and expecting that it will increase your knowledge Inshallah. The Detail of Taseer is as below. Writer: Molana Shabeer Ahmad Usmani R.A Translater: Shaikh Al Hind Molana Mahmood ul Hassan Reorganizer: Molana Mohammad Wali Razi Download P...

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Durood Pak parhany ka Sharai Tariqa (by Molana Mohammad Sarfaraz Khan Safdar)

Durood e Pak has got importance in Islam and it is a very fast way to be closed to Allah Almighty. but every worship will only show its effect if a muslim perform it according to the way which has been defined by our Prophet Hazrat Mohammad Sallallahoalaihi Wasallam. so we should also have to say the Durood e Pak according to the Islamic way. i hope this book will help you to Learn that ways and deen e Islam Download p...

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Islam ma Parda ki ahmiat by Molana Ashraf Ali Thanawi

Islam is the best Religion in world so it teach us all the rules of our life. and Hijab (parda) is also a part of a women's life and a gift from Allah Almighty so women should have to accept this gift with happiness, deeniinfo is feeling honor to post a book of Molana Ashraf Ali Thanawi R.A in which he has defined all rules and importance of Hijab in Islam in the lighting of Quran and Hadith. i hope it will help my visitors to Learn Deen e Islam Download p...

Friday, 19 October 2012

Dajjal (Part 2) by Mufti Abu Lubaba Shah Mansor

after writing a successful book named DAJJAL kon? kab? kahan? Mufti abu lubaba write its second part which is also having a great knowledge. Deeniinfo is feeling honor to provide this book to its visitors Download Pdf &nbs...

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