Thursday, 23 August 2012

Magrabi Mumalik k Jadeed Fiqhi Masail or un ka hal

some foreigners write some Questions to "Islamic Fiqa Academy" Jadah and ask for answers, Academy sent these all questions to Mufti Taqi Usmani to write the answers of that questions, Mufti Taqi Usmani write all answers in Arabic language and this book is a urdu translation of that all question answers in this book Mufti Taqi Usmani has debate about 9 question which they sent to Mufti Taqi Usmani, I hope it will help you to Learn Deen e Islam.... Download p...

Monday, 20 August 2012

Magharbi tehzeeb ka Metha Zehar (best book by Molana Shah Abrar ul Haq)

In this book Molana Shah Abrar ul Haq is talking about the European Culture which has been spreaded like poison in Muslims and especially in Pakistan and the punishment of Hell etc. I hope this book will increase your deeni info and you will Learn Deen e Islam Download Pd...

Tohfa Tun Nikah (Complete Islamic Guide)

Nikah is a Sunnah of our Prophet so i am posting a small booklet for my visitors the let them know that what is the Islamic way to perform this Sunnah, Inshalla this book will guide you A to Z and if you will need more help i recommend you to contact a trusted Alim Download p...

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Fazail Shab e Burat (Shab e Burat ki Fazelat)

Deeniinfo is now back with a book About Shab e Burat which will remove your all confusions Inshallah Download P...

Sunday, 12 August 2012

6 gunah gar Ortain (6 different Sins)

Deeniinfo is back with a new post named 6 GUNAHGAR ORTAIN which contains the 6 different bad activities done by females and they never think that, that is a sin, it is a short book with limited pages containing great knowledge. so every female should have to save her from these sins, May Allah bless us........ Download ...

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Islam or Science (The best Topic Ever)

Hi dears deeniinfo is come back with a amazing topic in pdf format. This book is written by Alama Shamas ul Haq Afgani R.H in which the debate on the rules of science in the light of Islamic Rules, he proves that the real inventors of science  was the Arab Muslims and on that time when Arabs was getting knowledge of science the Europeans was in the darkness and they had not any knowledge about Science or education. Normally people think that the Religion and the Science are the separate things because science only accept the proves but the writer proves that our religion Islam teaches us the Science i hope you will like this book. so keep in touch and Learn Deen e Islam Download ...

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